Thursday 14 September 2023

Miracle back pain relief with natural herbs

 Miracle back pain relief with natural herbs


Hello friends.

Adhikan News welcomes you warmly.

Truly, the cure for back pain is within our grasp. But let's leave it, and we're running around looking for pills.

You may not only have chronic back pain but also joint pain, hip pain, especially any cuts on your body that won't heal, chronic sores, bruises, blisters, or tumours, but you can know how to use a wonderful herb that can heal it quickly.

First, let's see what the herb is, and then learn how to use the plant for back pain and how to use it for cuts.

Garlic is a wonderful herb that can grow on its own around our house. They call it by many names, like Cutgaya Pachilai, Kinathu Basan, Nose Flower Plant, Grandfather Flower Plant, and Grandfather Cut Off Plant. This plant belongs to the sunflower family. The flowers it contains are similar to those of sunflowers, which are smaller in size. Many people play with these flowers at a young age.

 Joint Pain

The leaves of this plant contain many medicinal properties. But we don't even notice it. If it is back pain or headache, we immediately buy medicine pills, and we do not use these types of herbs that were traditionally used by our forefathers.

In those days, farmers and stone breakers used this medicine traditionally if they ever had back pain, joint pain, hip pain, etc. Similarly, if you have back pain, joint pain, or hip pain, don't worry at all. Surely this plant is sprouting somewhere, as far as your eye can see.

Pick it by hand and bring it to your house. Pick only those leaves, and the leaves will be a bit mushy. It is dark green in color. Just pick those leaves, put them in water, and wash them well. Then take a pan and pour two teaspoons of ghee in it. Ghee has pain-relieving properties.

Back pain

After the oil heats up a little, take a handful of the leaves we have picked and put them in a pan and fry them till it gets hot. It should be nice and warm. Take it as it is, put it in a white cloth, and tie it like a small bundle. People who have back pain after tying the bundle should lie down.

After applying the cuppa, you should put it on the place where you have back pain and hold one arm warm for ten to 15 minutes on the painful area. Like that, you just need to exercise for two consecutive days. Chronic back pain that you may have will get better in a couple of days.

One day is enough for those with mild back pain. Friends, apart from that, you can freely use this traditional remedy for people suffering from joint pain, hip pain, or foot pain for a long time.

Friends, this is one method; another method is to take this onion garlic plant and squeeze its leaves only; juice will come out of it. Usually, if you hold it in your hand and squeeze it, the juice will definitely come out. Because the plant is rich in water. If you don't get juice like that, it doesn't matter; grind it with a mix jar or Ammi, squeeze only the juice, and apply it where you have back pain, joint pain, hip pain, arm pain, and leg pain. If you apply it regularly, your back pain will be cured in three days.

 A sore that doesn't heal

This was traditionally used by our forefathers for back pain, joint pain, hip pain, and foot pain. Don't be paralysed by chronic back pain; try this remedy right away. You will get the solution in one day. Try this remedy, especially before you go to sleep at night. Many people suffer from back pain while sleeping at night.

So try it at night, and you will get a complete solution. Within two days, your back pain will leave you. Similarly, if you have any cuts, sores, chronic sores, blisters, or tumours on your body,

For that, just take these onion garlic leaves, grind them well with a little turmeric powder, and put them on any place where you have cuts, sores, or lumps. The sore will heal in two days, especially if there is any bruise on your body. Even the bruise will disappear completely.

Whether you have back pain, joint pain, groyne pain, or any sore on your body, don't run to the medical shop for it. Use only this herb that you have around your home.

Similarly, another excellent quality of this herb is that the ulcers that can occur in diabetic patients do not heal so quickly, and the ulcer gets bigger and never heals. But this cut garlic plant is also full of healing properties for diabetics.

We have come to know about the benefits of a wonderful herb that is abundantly available near our homes.

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